Fiber Laser Pump Source
Abstract : According to the special structure of fiber laser, different types of fiber laser pump sources are proposed, and the criteria for selecting pump source and its corresponding efficiency are given. The main components of the laser are the resonant cavity, the pump source and the working substance. The pump source is the excitation source that causes the laser working medium to reach the population inversion. The process of particles from the ground state to the high energy level is called the pumping process. Common pumping methods include electric pumping, chemical pumping, optical pumping, and pneumatic pumping, while optical pumping and electric pumping are the most widely used methods. Gas lasers often use an electric pumping method as an excitation source, and optical pumping methods are widely used in solid and liquid lasers. Optical pumping uses a beam of light to illuminate the working substance so that the particles in the working substance absorb the energy...