UV and Green Lasers
Coherent Inc. has added the 355-55 UV and 532-80 green models to its AVIA line of industrial lasers. The lasers extend and improve the performance of microprocessing applications in microelectronics, photovoltaics and related industries. Specifically, the 355-55 features a high pulse repetition rate of 150 kHz, resulting in an average power of 55 W at 355 nm. The 532-80 produces 1-mJ pulse energy at a power of 532 nm, which, together with a maximum pulse repetition rate of 80 kHz, translates into an average power of 80 W. UV lasers are used for cutting flex substrates and thin printed circuit boards where higher lateral resolution are a critical consideration. The higher power now available from the 355-55 will extend these cutting capabilities to >200 µm flex and multilayer materials. The 532-80 green lasers are used for scribing films, drilling holes and slots, and cutting flex substrates that efficiently absorb green wavelengths including certain printed circuit board su...